Compass Associates January wellbeing success during 2021
Elderly Care

January Wellbeing 2021 at Compass Associates


With the start of a fresh new year, Compass Associates alongside the rest of the CRS brands, are taking part in community and wellbeing initiatives throughout 2022.

As part of our 2022 approach to these initiatives, January has focused on fitness. This saw our monthly running club taking place on both Tuesdays and Thursdays, giving all Compass employees seven opportunities to get involved. Our running intiatives have taken place towards the end of the work day, giving people the opportunity to stick with their new years fitness resolutions or take up new ones.

Our initial monthly running club had a 5k circular route but January has also seen the introduction of a 3k route. Both options have been incredibly popular, seeing up to 25% of the business taking part. As a result of this, we have decided to move the monthly running club to be a weekly event due to feedback from our regular participants.

Each session saw all participants treated to refreshments upon finishing. To ensure everyone’s safety, we also provided torches and reflective jackets.

Head of HR, Cassie Pay comments on the running club’s success:

“It’s been amazing to see how many people have taken part in this month’s group-wide wellbeing initiative. I know that a huge amount of those involved have consistently made personal improvements whether that be time or distance. Given how popular and beneficial it’s been making it an obvious initiative to continue permanently!”

Compass Associates - runners leaving the Cosham office

January has also seen employees taking part in a weekly step count

Throughout January, we have also encouraged all CRS employees to take part in our weekly step count throughout the month. Congratulations to Senior Consultant Zenon Raddon for completing the most steps by tallying up a grand total of 399,957 steps!

We’d like to also congratulate all of our employees who took part in the step count. Everyone taking part walked and ran well over 4 million steps! This distance equates to us walking from our Portsmouth office to our Manchester office well over 204 times.

With February now upon us, we look forward to the start of another community and wellbeing initiative.

To find out more about our monthly community and wellbeing intiatives, please click here. Compass Associates is part of Compass Recruitment Solutions, to find out more, please click here.